A Guide on Trading Little League Pins

September 11, 2023
December 22, 2022

| min read

Trading Little League pins don't have to be complicated. Use this guide for tips on trading Little League pins during a tournament, event, or game!

What Are Baseball Pins?

Baseball pins are wearable commemorative pins traded with other baseball trading fans. These pins come in many different designs and can also be custom-made.

Baseball pins can feature mascots, baseball attire, scoreboards, and bats and balls. If the pin is large enough, it's even possible for the player's name to be displayed on the pin.

Baseball pins are a great way to show team spirit and can help celebrate important teams and team moments.

Trading Little League Pins

Trading Little League pins is a great way to socialize with other pin enthusiasts. Some teams order extra pins for friends and family who want to collect one.

Where to Trade Little League Pins

Little League pins are available in several places and may be easier to find than you may think. You can find trading pins at places such as:

  • Match Games: Primarily, pins are distributed at the first and last games of the season, and people bring their pins from home to trade
  • Team Social Events: End-of-season parties are another great place to come prepared to trade, and can make the event even more thrilling to attend if you're a trader
  • Tournaments: Tournaments (regionals and nationals) are a great way to find more unique (like glow-in-the-dark) and limited edition trading pins
  • Sponsors: Sometimes sponsors are contactable and will offer pins through giveaways or competitions, and this is another excellent avenue to use for pin-finding

How to Trade Little League Pins

Pins are typically traded in a "pin-trading tent" provided at the main event. This is where you want to bring the most unique pins you have created or want to trade because it's a more official activity at the game, and you'll find some serious traders. Here are some guidelines for trading your pins.

Step 1: Bring a Good Selection of Pins

Unless you're starting out, you want to come to a trading event with a good selection of pins. Having several different ones other fans can choose from increases your chances of getting a pin you really want.

If you have any pins you want to avoid trading, don't display them with your trading pins. This way, there is clarity between enthusiasts.

Step 2: Have an Eye-Catching Display

You should try to have an eye-catching display to catch pin traders' attention. It can be as simple as a colorfully painted tri-fold cardboard or something more elaborate; it's entirely up to you, and the more creative, the better.

  • Pro Pin-Trading Tip: Organize your pins in your display by color, as this will help individual colors to stand out

Step 3: Create Unique Designs

Custom baseball pins can get elaborate and include features like spinners, glitter, and danglers. So, naturally, the more unique your pin is, the more attention it will demand from fellow traders.

Step 4: Bring Enough for The Masses

One of the great things about pin trading is you never know how it will go. So, always bring as many pins as possible to take advantage of all trades. As the saying goes, "it's better to have and not need than to need and not have."

Pin Trading Etiquette

There is an art to trading pins, and brushing up on etiquette before you begin is wise. This way, you don't offend other, more established traders.

No Damaged Pins

You want to avoid going into a trade with damaged pins. Make sure you care for and store them properly and inspect them regularly.

Start Conversations

Pin trading is a social activity and requires some effort on your part. When approaching other traders, remember to be polite and pleasant. Learning how pin values work may take a few conversations if you're new to trading.

Trading Is a Choice

A pin is not traded unless both parties agree, and whether to trade or not is entirely your choice. If you change your mind about trading the pin, don't be shy to explain this to the trader. They're sure to understand.

No Interrupting

Never interrupt if someone else is talking to a pin trader you want to talk to, even if you're worried you'll lose that pin. Don't do it. Instead, hang back and politely wait your turn.

No Touching

Just like you don't appreciate other people touching your pins, don't reach out and touch anyone else's. You must ask the trader's permission first if you need to touch a pin. It can put you in a horrible light with other traders if you go around poking your fingers everywhere.

Pin Trading Tips

Now that you're familiar with trading Little League pins, you're almost ready to begin. Here are a few tips we think you should remember:

  • Keep your pins adequately cleaned, so they're always prepared for a trading event
  • Keep your pins in a cool, dry place when they're not in use or on display
  • Be careful about wearing rare pins because there is always a risk of losing one
  • Store your pins correctly by keeping them in a pin trading bag or an airtight container
  • Order more pins than you think you may need, as you never know when you may need backups

Show Team Spirit and Pride with Unique Pins

Trading Little League Pins can be a great activity for the family to get into. Working together to collect and barter pins can create a strong family bond. Designing custom pins to trade is another way to get into serious trading. And remember, no one wants to trade damaged pins, so take care of them.

If you're looking for the perfect way to store or transport your baseball pins, take a look at our Pin Trading Bag, which is fully portable with a handle and adjustable straps.